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Member-Only Articles
What is Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
or the first time the American Diabetes Association (ADA) included recommendations on how to prevent, diagnose, and manage liver disease in their 2022 Standards of Care...
Exercise Guidelines for People with Diabetes and Prediabetes
Recently, the American Diabetes Association issued a new position statement addressing exercise guidelines for people with diabetes and prediabetes...
The BEST Diabetes Diet
There are many ways to a healthy plate and healthy diabetes management. We can find your best way.
Free Chart: Diabetes Management for Best Health
Diabetes management is so much more than measuring blood glucose. Do your clients know how to keep track of the various required tests and routine activities that accompany a diabetes diagnosis? Check out today's post for a free chart that can help your clients manage their diabetes...
A Closer Look at the ADA's General Targets for Diabetics
Let's talk about the American Diabetes Association. What is it? How can it be useful to your clients? And what has changed about its 2015 Guidelines for People with Diabetes? Why? Get all the answers (and a new handout!) in today's post...
Diabetes and Alcohol
Many people with type 2 diabetes want to know if they can still have a beer with friends or a glass of wine with dinner. Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, has the answers. Take a look!
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