Food and Health Communications

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Scheduling: Meal Prep and Exercise

Balancing meal prep and exercise in your weekly schedule requires thoughtful planning and organization. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you integrate both into your routine:

1. Assess Your Time:

  • Start by evaluating your weekly schedule. Identify time slots that are consistently available for meal prep and exercise.

  • Consider both weekdays and weekends.

2. Prioritize:

  • Determine your priorities. If you have specific fitness goals, such as weight loss or muscle gain, allocate more time for exercise.

  • Similarly, prioritize meal prep if you're focusing on healthier eating habits.

3. Create a Weekly Plan:

  • Develop a weekly schedule with dedicated time blocks for meal prep and exercise.

  • This could be daily or on specific days, depending on your preference.

4. Meal Prep Day:

  • Choose a day or two each week for meal prep. Dedicate a few hours to preparing ingredients, cooking meals, and portioning them into containers.

  • Having pre-prepared meals can save time during the week.

  • Even if you make 2 meals per week, by freezing the leftovers you will stockpile more healthy meals over time. Be sure to label and rotate them in the freezer.

5. Choose Realistic Exercise Times:

  • Select realistic and sustainable exercise times.

  • These could be early mornings, lunch breaks, or evenings—whatever fits your schedule and energy levels.

6. Combine Activities:

  • Look for opportunities to combine meal prep and exercise. For example, you might listen to a podcast or watch a cooking show while exercising or do quick workouts during breaks in your meal prep.

7. Set Specific Goals:

  • Define clear, achievable goals for both meal prep and exercise. This could include preparing a certain number of meals each week or committing to a specific number of workout sessions.

8. Use Technology:

  • Leverage technology to your advantage. Set reminders on your phone for both meal prep and exercise sessions. There are also apps that can help you plan meals and track your workouts.

9. Be Flexible:

  • Recognize that life is unpredictable. Be flexible with your schedule and allow for adjustments when unexpected events arise.

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