Food and Health Communications

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4 for 40 Plus

Victoria Shanta Retelny, RD has what she calls 4 for 40+ for adults:
1) Eat what you love, but LESS of it. By not denying yourself, but just taking less you won’t notice the difference and you won’t be eating as many calories.2) Grow UP your eating. In Hal Edward Runkel’s book, ScreamFree Parenting, he talks about ‘growing yourself up’ to parent more effectively and essentially more calmly. I equate his concept with what we need to do once we hit 40, grow up when it comes to what you choose to eat. Try to refine your tastes to include MORE (what I call Grown Up fare) plants including fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains and vegetable oils.3) Savor what you eat. Take the time to eat mindfully by eating more slowly and really tasting your food.4) Keep the metabolism up with movement.