Food and Health Communications

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Are You a Victim of BLT?

The bites, licks and tastes are all the hidden foods we put in our mouths throughout the day when we are really not that hungry. Some examples are:• Standing at the refrigerator and grabbing a piece of cheese• Going to the pantry and eating cookies and crackers• Eating chips out of the bag while watching TV or sitting at the computer• Sampling baked goods and deli treats at the grocery store• Eating leftovers instead of saving them for another mea• Sampling while cooking and baking• Finishing out the ice cream in the bottom of the container after eating a large portion• Stopping at the desk with the bowl of M&M’s and taking a handful . . . or two.All these behaviors are sabotage for losing weight, according to Jeanette Esposito, CHWC, Cape Coral, Fla.One woman in their class consumed 1,365 extra calories this way, not including regular meals, because she ate everybody’s leftovers, including pizza crusts from her family and her kids’ French fries.Another lady ate half a bag of potato chips during the day because she left the bag open in the pantry and consumed a handful every time she passedBottom LineSnacking on the wrong kinds of foods, especially when you are not hungry, is not a good idea. Here are better behaviors:• Eat a good breakfast every day – this should consist of a whole grain cereal with skim milk and fruit.• Snack on plenty of fruits and vegetables instead of chips and crackers.• Eat a diet higher in fiber and lower in fat and refined foods so you feel more full on fewer calories.• Keep track of what you eat and be aware of BLT temptations!!