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Eating in Color: Purple

It's the last week of Eating in Color and this week we're focusing on purple fruits and vegetables!First up on the agenda: purple grapes!You can find different kinds of grapes at the grocery store: fresh, dried (raisins), frozen, and even as 100% juice. Today we're going to focus on purple grapes, but there are also loads of varieties your clients might enjoy, including...

  • Traditional seedless green, red, or black grapes
  • Cotton candy grapes
  • Champagne grapes
  • Concord grapes
  • Muscadine grapes

So, why grapes? They're a hydration and nutrient powerhouse! High in potassium, fiber, and a range of phytochemicals, grapes are low in sodium, fat, and even calories. According to Grape Phytochemicals and Associated Health Benefits, "Grapes, one of the most popular and widely cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, are rich in phytochemicals. Epidemiological evidence has linked the consumption of grapes with reduced risk of chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease."When it comes to buying fresh grapes at a grocery store, select bunches that are firmly attached to green stems. Plump grapes will both keep and taste better. Steer clear of bunches with wrinkled, soft, or oozing grapes. You may also find grapes at local farmer's markets in the fall.Once you get your grapes home, check your grape bunches and throw away any withered or unappetizing-looking grapes -- this will help the rest of your fruit last longer. Grapes store well in the fridge (for about a week), or you can wash and freeze them for a refreshing summer treat! If you're eating grapes from the fridge, wash them right before serving.It's great to simply eat grapes right out of hand, but if you'd like some other ways to prepare them, don't miss the grape section of the recipe archive. Here are a few of my personal favorites...

And, as I promised last week, here's a more comprehensive list of purple fruits, just in case grapes aren't the right choice for your audience...

  • Blackberries
  • Figs
  • Plums
  • Açai Berries
  • Black Currants
  • Elderberries

Here's the rest of the Eating in Color Series! Which one is your favorite?

Have you seen the Nutrition Education Store lately? We've added lots of useful resources!American Diet Poster2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Handout and PowerPoint KitHealthy Sleep Poster