Food and Health Communications

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The Healthy Plate

Fruits and Veggies:•  Most people need 4.5 cups per day (that's about 1.5 cups per meal).•  Keep 'em low in fat.•  Get a variety of colors: dark green, orange, blue/purple, white or red.•  Vegetables should fill about 1/2 the plate.Lean Protein:•  Most people need just 5 ounces per day.•  Include fish and beans each week.•  Choose protein items that are lean and prepare with little fat.•  Keep most servings about the size of a deck of cards.•  Protein should fill about 1/4 of the plate.Whole Grains•  Most people need to eat 3 servings of whole grains per day.•  Ideas include pasta, brown rice, oats, barley, couscous and quinoa.•  Keep 'em low in fat!•  Grains should fill about 1/4 of the plate.Downsize your plates!Make a decision to change the dishes in your kitchen. Rather than go the traditional route with the large dinner plates, downsize to smaller ones.Use smaller bowls, smaller plates and smaller cups.Smaller plates mean you put less food on the plate. It also means the plates take up less space in the cabinets and dishwasher or sink.For example,  large bowls need about 1.5 cups of cereal to look like a serving. The smaller bowls look full with just 1 cup. That is a savings of about 31,000 calories per year!