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Make it Easy to Eat Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Here at Food and Health, we're still celebrating Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month (who wouldn't?), so we thought we'd post a few more tips about making it easy to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Tip #1: Keep a selection of fruit already washed and sliced in your refrigerator.

  • Watermelon should be sliced and placed on a covered platter
  • Cantaloupe can be diced and placed in a covered container
  • Grapes can be washed and put in a bowl

Having items ready is half the battle and will ensure that they get eaten. Serve fruit for breakfast, afternoon snacks, and dessert after dinner.

Tip #2: Prep your veggies as soon as you get home from the store or farmer's market.

  • Chop and wash lettuces as soon as you get home from the store. This will help you make more salads and use all of the lettuce up before it goes bad.
  • If you are really pressed for time, consider using ready-to-eat packaged lettuce.
  • Chop and pack whatever veggies you would like for the week (see tip #1).

Tip #3: Shuck corn and wrap it in plastic wrap.

  • This makes it easy to microwave corn as you need it (3 minutes per ear).
  • You can also unwrap the corn and drop it in a pot of salted, boiling water for a minute or two.

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