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National Nutrition Month? Quiz

Down: 1. Fiber is found in foods that are made from _____. (Hint: begins with a p and grows in the garden.)2. Red vegetable that you can use on salads or in pasta sauce.3. Carrots, broccoli and sweet potatoes are a few of these. You should eat at least 2 cups a day, including dark green and orange.4. Oranges, apples and bananas are examples of this and you should try to eat at least 2-1/2 cups per day.5. These are also known as legumes and are very high in fiber. Black, pinto and kidney are a few examples.6. This animal swims, and eating it two times per week is good for your heart.Across: 7. Green leafy vegetable that is eaten in salads.8. ____ grains have more fiber and nutrients than refined grains. You should eat 3 or more servings of these per day.9. This fat is solid at room temperature and is bad for your heart.10. Number of minutes per day you should exercise. (Hint: number of minutes in hour.)11. Avoid these fats, found in fried food and processed food. They raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.Answers: Down: 1. plants, 2. tomato, 3. vegetables, 4. fruit, 5. beans, 6. fish.Across: 7. lettuce, 8. whole, 9. saturatedfat, 10. sixty, 11. transfats.National Nutrition Month is a registered trademark of the American Dietetic Association.