Food and Health Communications

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National Nutrition Month Word Scramble

National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to test your knowledge of food and nutrition. Use the clues to unscramble these words.1.Vitamins that help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals.__________________________NANIOIDATSTX2. Found in tomatoes, this antioxidant may help prevent certain cancers.__________________________OCPEYNEL3. Type of fruits high in vitamin C.__________________________UITCRS4. Often the “forgotten” nutrient, you should drink at least 8 cups of this daily.__________________________RWTEA5. Essential for building and maintaining strong bones.__________________________CCILUMA6. Dried beans, peas and lentils are good sources of__________________________EIFBR7. Less than 30 percent of calories in your diet should come from__________________________ATF8. About 10-15 percent of calories in your diet should come from__________________________EPOTINR9. About 55-60 percent of the calories in your diet should come from__________________________YDCARATOHERB10. If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t skip this meal.__________________________ASBREFTAK11. Found in fruits and vegetables, these substances may help prevent a variety of diseases.__________________________LEMPHHICYTASOC12. What food am I? I’m economical, convenient, packed with protein and fiber, low in fat, versatile, and come in an endless variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and tastes.__________________________NBESA13. The first of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to eat a __________ of foods.YIEVART14. Foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients are__________________________LOCARIE DSEEN15. Foods that are high in nutrients compared to their calories are:__________________________TRNNTUIE DSEEN16. People who ________________ are more successful at losing and maintaining weight.XECISEER17. The ______ _______ __________ shows the kinds and amounts of food people ages two and over should eat each day.OFOD IDGUE MPYIDRA18. An oil that is high in monounsaturated fat, which may help lower your blood cholesterol level when used in place of saturated fats like butter.__________________________IOELV19. A food that has 3 grams or less of fat per serving can be labeled as__________________________WLO AFT20. All women of child-bearing age should be sure to get enough of this vitamin, found in orange juice, whole grains and dark greens, to prevent neural tube defects. __________________________LIFOC IADC21. Red, orange, deep-yellow and some dark green leafy vegetables are high in this antioxidant.__________________________ABET OTCNEAREAnswers:1. Antioxidants, 2. Lycopene, 3. Citrus,4. Water, 5. Calcium, 6. Fiber,7. Fat, 8. Protein, 9. Carbohydrate,10. Breakfast, 11. Phytochemicals,12. Beans, 13. Variety, 14. Calorie-dense, 15. Nutrient-dense, 16. Exercise,17. Food Guide Pyramid, 18. Olive,19. Low fat, 20. Folic acid,21. Beta carotene.By Hollis Bass, MEd, RD