Food and Health Communications

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Shopping Survey: Biggest Concern For Consumers in the Store?

Shopping Survey ResultsWe recently interviewed food and nutrition professionals in an online survey.We asked them, “What is your biggest concern for consumers in the store?” and here are the answers rated by importance:1. Ability to read and understand Nutrition Facts Panel2. Concept of calorie-density3. Saturated fat and trans fat4. Sodium5. Sugar6. Other (in a hurry, nutrients per calorie, motivation to select foods for health and nutrition reasons rather than taste, satisfaction, and price reasons)We also asked, “What are the top most dangerous shopping mistakes that consumers make?” Here are the answers in the order of importance:1. Misleading serving size2. Assume it is healthy but it is not3. High calorie food with healthful claim4. Buy too much processed, refined food with little fiber5. Whole Grain but not healthy6. Other: (misleading package claims, looking for cheap food, not thinking about variety, not realizing nutrient density, the food industry is not producing enough affordable, healthful, delicious options across categories, sports drinks are good for my kid)Best of all, we asked them for their best shopping tip:• Compare what is in your grocery bags to MyPlate recommendations.• Shop the produce aisle first.• Make a menu-developed shopping list - do not shop hungry or just browse the aisles.• Look at unit pricing.• Choose fresh or frozen over canned.• Look at grams of fiber per serving.• Don't just trust the front of the package read the Nutrition facts.• Fill 1/3 of your cart with fruits and vegetables.• Choose whole grain replacements for white/refined grain favorites.• The number of mg of sodium should be less than or equal to the total calories. If it is 2 or more times the calories - really limit other sodium-rich foods that day.• Go shopping after the gym/workout - makes you want to shop smarter.• Always read the ingredient list, to see what is actually in a product.• Read the label and compare similar products.• Just because it has a health claim on the front does not mean it is good for you. Do children's cereals become that much healthier by claiming they are whole grain?• You can't go wrong with unprocessed, whole foods- fresh fruits, veggies, grains & legumes.• Buy the least-processed foods possible.• Search for a whole grain bread, don't be fouled by titles. Check the ingredients label so that a whole grain is the first ingredient• Don't assume that the multiple purchase price is a deal or you have to buy the multiple items.• Don't clip coupons for junk food.• Fill at least 70% of your cart with produce, low fat dairy, lean proteins (such as fish and skinless chicken) and satisfying whole grains; then fill in the remaining 30% or less with fun foods that add eating enjoyment and flavor! A balanced cart leads to balanced meals!