Food and Health Communications

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Social Messaging: Blackberries

Lisa Andrews, MEd, RDN, chose one of our favorite berries to feature this week in her social messaging nuggets. One of our favorite ways to use this fruit is in a blender for smoothies or baked in the oven and then chilled to make jam.Here are the quick bites to promote fruit and blackberries that you can use in your social messages now!

  • Blackberries are a member of the rose family and there are several varieties available.
  • Blackberries are in season from June to late August.
  • A 3 ½ oz. serving of blackberries contains 43 calories.
  • Blackberries are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C as well as phytochemicals which may help prevent cancer.
  • Blackberries can be consumed raw or used in jams, jellies, smoothies or desserts.
  • Blackberries are highly perishable and should be consumed within a few days of harvest or purchase.