Food and Health Communications

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Sodium Guess

Which one is higher in salt? Place corn flakes, bread and potato chips in the front of the room. Ask participants if they know which product is higher in sodium per calorie.
Most people will guess that the potato chips are the saltiest but the corn flakes actually contain the most sodium per calorie. Give them ideas for making breakfast low in sodium. Cooked oatmeal, cooked cream of wheat, cooked Wheatena (whole cream of wheat), oatmeal mixed with yogurt and fruit (also known as Muesli), smoothies made with yogurt and fruit, and Shredded Wheat are the best low-sodium choices for breakfast. These items all fit in the DASH diet too. Offer substitutions for bread – it is higher in sodium per calorie than potato chips and often makes up most of the grain servings in the average American’s day. Using just one slice of bread, eating salad with cooked brown rice, and eating more pasta, especially whole grain pasta, are all ways to help eat less bread.